Student Government Association

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Northshore Technical Community College has established Student Government Associations, which operate under a Constitution that is prepared by and for each campus and is approved by the Chancellor. The Student Government Association (SGA) on each campus will be assigned an advisor who will serve as a liaison between the SGA and the College administration. Each Dean of Campus Administration will designate the advisor with the approval of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

The Campus SGA Advisor in charge of the SGA on each campus has overall responsibility for ensuring that the Student Government Association is administered in accordance with the Board of Regents (BOR), Council of Student Body Presidents (COSBP) Constitution, policies of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) Board of Supervisors, and the guidelines of this memorandum. This policy and procedures memorandum applies to the Student Government Associations (SGAs) on the Campuses of Northshore Technical Community College and on any campuses that may be developed in the future.


The mission of the Student Government Association is to provide vital co-curricular activities to enhance individual student development; promote social and recreational activities; promote participation in self-government; and promote the high standard of education at NTCC. The administration of NTCC recognizes the benefits to be derived by the student body and the institution from an active Student Government Association and encourages active participation by all students. Northshore Technical Community College, by vote of the student body and with the approval of the LCTCS Board of Supervisors, has established a self-assessment fee for the fall semester, spring semester, and the summer session as part of each student’s registration costs. Because Student Government Associations are approved campus organizations, their activities come under the auspices of the College and necessary procedures and controls must be developed and implemented to ensure SGA functions and activities are in compliance with the policies of the LCTCS Board of Supervisors and statutory requirements of the State of Louisiana.


All students of NTCC who pay self-assessed fees are members of the SGA. This membership permits students to participate in student-sponsored activities and other benefits financed by student activity fees.

Election and Compensation of Officers

Each spring semester there will be an election of Student Government Association officers. This election will be conducted by the SGA advisor on each campus and the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

  • A waiver of in-state tuition exclusive of self-assessed fees will be granted for the fall and spring semesters and to the elected President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.
  • Tuition waivers for each campus SGA will not exceed the costs of four full-time equivalent students and will remain in effect for the duration of the respective terms of office.
  • Receipt of tuition waiver by the above-listed SGA officers shall be contingent upon performance of assigned duties and tasks as set out and defined in the respective SGA Constitution.

In order to run for SGA Office and be elected, the students must:

  • Be enrolled in and maintain at least 9 credit hours; SGA presidents who wish to run for the office of Executive President must be enrolled in 12 credit hours.
  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Maintain the required cumulative and semester grade point average (G.P.A.) as deemed by the SGA Constitution. Executive Officers (i.e., President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) must be degree-seeking and may not serve as officers more than two consecutive academic years.

Budget Cycle and Calendar of Events

  • During the spring semester, the SGA officers on each campus, under the supervision of the SGA advisors, will prepare the SGA calendar of events for the next academic year and the annual budget to support these activities.
  • The proposed budget will be prepared on the budget forms used by the College for its budget, and will be reviewed by the Dean of Campus Administration in charge of the SGA on each campus prior to being presented to the SGA Senate for approval.
  • Development of the annual budget is established by vote of the student body at the SGA monthly meeting. The current budget allocation of funds is listed in Attachment A, “Fee Amounts and Budget Allocation of Student Self-Assessed Funds.”
  • Once the SGA budget has been approved, the SGA calendar of events for the following academic year will be submitted for inclusion in the campus planning calendar.


  • SGA Minutes and Approvals should be completed at least two weeks prior to a planned event.
  • This request will be initiated by the SGA President, approved by the SGA Board and Campus Advisor, and presented to the Dean of Campus Administration in charge of the SGA on the campus, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, and the Restricted Funds Accountant for final approval.
  • When alcoholic beverages will be served, the Chancellor or his/her designee will grant final approval.


General Provision: All financial transactions must follow College and State of Louisiana rules and regulations.

Professional Services Contracts

  • If the SGA function or activity requires the expenditure of funds for professional, consulting, or personal services (hiring a band, for example) a Contract for Professional, Personal, or Consulting Services must be completed and processed in accordance with current college policy regarding the use of Professional Services Contracts.
  • It is noted that the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration are the final approval authority and their signatures must be obtained before the contract can be entered into.
  • The SGA must submit a professional services contract at least ten days in advance of performance (or services rendered) for approval.

Payment of SGA Contractors

  • Each person or group performing services under a Professional Services Contract must submit an invoice covering the services rendered.
  • The invoice must include the social security or employer identification number and the address of the person or the group.
  • The SGA Advisor will certify that the services were furnished as indicated on the invoice.
  • The contractor’s invoice with this certification must be submitted to the Finance Office for payment. Additional forms may be necessary for payment.


  • All travel must be authorized through the College’s normal professional leave and travel authorization request process.
  • Each request must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the conference or activity.

Printing and Photocopying Requests

Requests for printing and photocopying for all Student Government Associations must be approved by the respective SGA advisor in addition to the appropriate signature authorities and proofing channels, as deemed by the College’s established policies and procedures on photocopying and printing.

Inventory of SGA Equipment

  • All property procured by or assigned to the SGA is property of NTCC and will be tagged with a State of Louisiana identification tag and included on the College’s master inventory file.
  • Before the end of each spring semester, the SGA Advisor on each campus will obtain from the College’s Property Control Officer the official list of all property assigned to that SGA Office. The incoming SGA President, under the supervision of the SGA Advisor, will conduct a physical inventory of all property assigned to the SGA office.
  • Upon verification of the SGA inventory, the outgoing SGA President will sign for release of and the incoming President will sign to assume responsibility for this property.

Financial Records

  • The Finance Office is responsible for maintaining a separate SGA account for self-assessment fees used to finance SGA activities and all SGA expenditures for the main campus and all branch campuses.
  • At the end of each fiscal year, all unexpended monies will be available and will carry over into the next fiscal year.
  • The Finance Office will provide a Quarterly Statement of Income and Expenditures to the Dean of Campus Administration in charge of the SGA on each campus with a copy to the SGA President.
  • Any funds raised through an SGA sponsored event should be deposited in the NTCC’s bank account. These funds will be held for the exclusive use of the SGA.