Student Handbook
It is a great pleasure for me to serve as your Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic & Student Affairs. The faculty, staff, and administration at Northshore Technical Community College (NTCC) are truly invested in your success and we are thrilled you have decided to become a part of the NTCC Gator family. This student handbook will serve as a guide to help you navigate the policies and regulations at NTCC. It provides you with procedures for various processes and highlights resources that will be beneficial to you during your time at NTCC. Dr. Frank Fudesco, Dean of Student Affairs, and the Student Affairs Division is here to meet the needs of our NTCC community. Please do not hesitate to contact the student affairs team on your campus if you have any questions about the policies and procedures outlined in this handbook. It is our desire that you become active and involved at NTCC and we hope that your time with us is memorable and beneficial. Welcome to the Gator Family!
Daniel Roberts, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic & Student Affairs
Equal Opportunity Statement
NTCC is an equal opportunity institution and is dedicated to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment or training. Qualified students, applicants, or employees will not be excluded from any course or activity because of age, race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, or disability. All students have equal rights to counseling and training. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding these nondiscrimination policies:
Frank Fudesco, EdD
Interim Dean of Student Affairs & Title IX Coordinator
Phone: (985) 545-1239